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2015-2020 QA International GOLD AWARD EAS

We are thrilled to have received another QA International GOLD AWARD.

This makes it five years running.

This award was launched by QA International to meet the needs of the service sector and specialist suppliers dealing directly with the public. It is designed to promote and encourage the concept that good quality service should be recognised and furthermore promoted, to the overall benefit of all parties concerned.

The QAICL Excellence Awards Scheme™, is open to all companies and relies upon recommendations from the users of the service they provide, or from good reports that are generated in the media, especially where such service is deemed exemplary and worthy of particular recognition by QAICL, as a Certification awarding body.

The rules are simple. Recommendations for an award may be brought to the attention of the Directors of QAICL, by members of the public, as direct users of a service. Additionally, such deserving companies may also be selected by the Directors, based upon positive reports from the media and social sites, or even the direct experiences of the Directors, as they come across such providers in performance of their day to day duties.

We are thrilled to hold this level of excellence for five years running.


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